31 October 2009

All hallow's doodle fest

In rememberance of all things dead and gone, a season's greetings to the spirit world. Let's eat brain and feast on each other's flesh on this once-a-year family event.

13 October 2009

So Forlorn

The story goes ever on. However, I haven't been posting like I should. Nothing new since February! A lot of misfortune has befallen our friends Lars and Maxim during this time. It has been trial upon trial, strange animals have appeared with alarming frequency, sinister plots have thickened, and our lovers have been separated by a powerful adversary. All this, while the unforgiving scandinavian climate continues to nurse dark intellects and perverted viking folklore.
In the end, it will all make sense, I promise.

10 February 2009

Again with the Undead

Since their numbers are replenished by our fallen comrades, Maxim and his entourage is fighting an uphill battle against the undead. Ever in the shadow of financial apocalypse, greedy hands try to snatch whatever sustenance available. In this age of pseudo-intellectualism some people simply must eat brain.

05 January 2009

Next Adventure

Our accidental lapine hero Bengt finds himself in the middle of a gruesome murder mystery. Read this next adventure.

16 November 2008


So I haven't posted in quite a while. It's funny how you stop doing all the fun stuff when things pile up, my sincerest apologies to any followers of this blog. I hope to be publishing a little more frequently in the future.
This medley piece is just thrown together from the latest Lars & Maxim-adventure. The chronology is off, and so is the dialogue, but this is basically
what the latest issue of Herman Hedning is all about. If you happen to be in Sweden, get your hands on it!

09 August 2008

IF: Sail

Sometimes foul wind blows through your sails.

06 August 2008

Exit Strategy

Every fibre of your being is resisting. Yes, they want things from you: your time, your peace of mind, even your life juice. The most effective response to that is of course total apathy.

05 August 2008

Midnite's Children

In the darkest holidays they manifest from out of nowhere. Semi-edible and ready to cause average amounts of harm. Beware!

24 July 2008

Lars & Maxim assemble!

There's a thin line between being a superhero and being a soft drink commercial. One way or another these slackers will be jammed down your throat, and quite possibly save the world on the way down.

20 July 2008

Solar Gravity

In the end, there's no running from the persistent caress of the sun. We are all sublunar critters with our mouths open, specks of blue light in the Scandinavian darkness. Get your hugs and kisses while the earth is stationary, 'cause the Sun is a killer!

Expulsion Day

Today I had a lot of ugly that needed to be purged from my system. I hate the look of this image, but the only way to keep the creative flow is to finish it and move on to the next.

14 July 2008


Any friend who will save you from ninjas is a definite keeper.

27 June 2008


It doesn't get fiercer than a bear with a shark.

30 May 2008

Mortal Peril

How did Lars and Maxim end up in this pickle? Who is holding them at gunpoint? Wouldn't we like to find out? Some time after this summer we just might, a longer adventure with Lars and Maxim will hit the stands.

14 April 2008

Concept art for a bleak future?

I'm kicking around a couple of ideas for a bigger project, and I figured I'd post them here (after all, this blog is for sharing, right?) My project (together with two friends) is some kind of comic book-length sci-fi story that we hope to start fleshing out before long. The trick is to avoid the clichés at the same time as you want to appeal to a sci-fi audience; and besides, there are some quite wonderful clichés within this genre, wouldn't you say?

17 March 2008

Elephant cemetery

This is just some concept art for a comic that will hopefully get published some time after this
summer. Above is Lars & Maxim's finnish neighbour Sifri; below is Lars' co-worker Ann-Katrin.
Sifri is your average gun-nut senior, making sure your TV is not on too loud. Ann-Katrin is kind-hearted but accident prone.

14 March 2008

There will be blood...

No reason to discriminate against gubbler fejsler; fashion nowadays is to have stains of blood or paint about your person. He doesn't look anything like the beautiful impala I intended, though.

All play

I'm trying to come up with a fierce concept series for Lars and Maxim's new enemy, but it didn't want to manifest itself. Instead, something entirely different came out. I haven't posted here in a while, so what the hell...